Made dogCocks() in Creature.as less nasty.Wrong furcolor shown when you became furry through equinum.Removed the comment from EYES_BASILISK in appearanceDefs.as since its not NYI anymore ^^Ĭhanges from RC8 More fixes to be mostly on par with CoC Revamp 1.4-dev Gameplay changes.Applied some pretty printing to Benoit:setBenoitShop() in addition to the new button 'Basil.

private function convertToBassyEyesFinal():void.private function convertToBassyEyesPageTwo():void.private function convertToBassyEyes():void.public function benoitBigFamily():Boolean.PlayerHelper:isBasilisk() now returns true, when you have enough total eggs produced for and with Benoit(e) and when you have basilisk eyes.Added PlayerHelper:hasLizardEyes() to check, if the player has basilisk or lizard eyes, thus excluding dragon eyes.Your race now shows up as basilisk/dracolisk/dragonewt(-taur) in the player appearance tab.